Tag: CEO

Nine ways AI will change HR and make it more ‘human’

By francescopagano74

Everyone says that the AI revolution is only at its beginning, and it will quickly become an integral part of our daily personal and professional lives. AI – a machine, so to speak – will change the way we hire, manage, nurture, lead and probably fire or retire our employees, even though that may sound a bit paradoxical.

The ‘We’​ comes before the ‘I’​. Looking for the ‘CEO Factor’​

By francescopagano74

In the face of the deep sense of disorientation that we feel, the even more urgent and loaded question is still the same: What are the characteristics of the leader of the future? What are the conditions that can enable the emergence of the ‘X-factor,’ that key element, essential for being a successful Ceo, for the largest number of young people? What are the conditions to stimulate the practice of this key ‘factor’ in more of the current Ceo-s?