Ten ‘commandments’ for future CEOs

By francescopagano74

The world is being taken by storm by four lightning bolts: exponential technologies, like AI and blockchain; the sustainability imperative; a collaborative marketing machine; a distributed chain of command. This means new values are needed for the CEO of the future.

Call me an idiot

By francescopagano74

My father was useless. A serial cheater, he dilapidated money like there was no tomorrow, hired proxies who catered to his self-inflated ego and derailed a marriage because he prioritized the ‘I’ and his vices…

The 10 Commandments of Retail

By francescopagano74

In their latest book, Redefining Retail: 10 Guiding Principles for a Post-Digital World (Wiley), uber-famous Prof. Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing, and Dr. Giuseppe Stigliano, Global CEO at Spring Studios, give us their view on the future of retail business, and, as a matter of fact, of marketing per se.

Nine ways AI will change HR and make it more ‘human’

By francescopagano74

Everyone says that the AI revolution is only at its beginning, and it will quickly become an integral part of our daily personal and professional lives. AI – a machine, so to speak – will change the way we hire, manage, nurture, lead and probably fire or retire our employees, even though that may sound a bit paradoxical.