Tag: AI

The ‘health’ economy is sick: this is how tech can help us fix it

By francescopagano74

If you have a spare weekend and want some spicy reading, go through some of the published and detailed reports of complaints, filed with the FDA, which relate to cases of mishandling, negligence, and evident protocol breach during the Covid-19 clinical trials of one known pharma conglomerate in the USA. Spoiler alert: it is frightening.
I invite you to resist the temptation of despair and recommend that you double click on what could be a clear example of where blockchain can revolutionize the health business, for good.

Ret-AI-l: selling stuff will not be the same

By francescopagano74

What is the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), especially in its generative component, on Retail? How will this exponential technology transform the way we sell stuff, offline and online?
We just witnessed the launch of Sora, by Open AI, and the entire AI arena is changing extremely fast, every single day. It goes without saying that commerce will be impacted and augmented by AI, for good and forever. Should we call it Ret-AI-l?

Here are 7 areas where we will see AI revolutionize the way we sell anything, be it a piano, underwear or a table for two at Alain Ducasse’s Jules Verne in Paris.

The liquidity game

By francescopagano74

Ilaria Carli, IP Lawyer, RPLT Luca Egitto, IP & Technology Lawyer, RPLT Frank Pagano, Senior Partner, Jakala In tech we trust This is not another hagiographic piece on artificial intelligence (AI) and the infamous blockchains. However, these exponential technologies will change the way we trade, interact, love, and live our lives, more than we dare…