Author: francescopagano74

The Inverted Funnel: How Blockchains Will Shake Up the Traditional Consumer Funnel

By francescopagano74

The use of blockchains will become mainstream in a few years from now, so say consultancies and pundits, who look at penetration curves across the globe1. Crypto is on the rise and powerhouses like Starbucks and Nike are merging blockchain into the fabric of business, reinventing the dialogue with their fans. In this short piece, we double click on how the efficiencies, tracking and reconciliation capabilities of blockchains will revolutionize the famous 4 P model2. We will do that with a slightly activist tone. The future scenarios are, indeed and on purpose, exaggerated, to highlight the disruption vs. today’s status quo.

How is the world of marketing looking like five to ten years from now? We will go from product to meta-product dominance; from standardized pricing to personalized and dynamic fees; from property exchange to rent and fluid trading between brands-to-fans-to-fans; and, from storytelling to the co-creation of social capital, in a user and brand mutually interested narrative. The Marketing mix will not be the same: it will be turned upside down.